"Keeping History Up-to-Date"
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Florida History
A Rollin - Ornate French Gallery - Wall Clock - (circa 1860)
Custom Made - Ornate Solid Oak Case with German 8-Day Time and Strike Movement Wall Clock - (circa 1970s)
D. Howard - Needham, MA - Number 70 - Wall Regulator Clock - (circa 1978)
German - Art Deco era - Cut Corners Square Case with Quadrant Designed Veneer - (circa 1930s)
Gilbert - Solid Oak - Mission Style Wall Clock - (circa 1907)
Hermle - Hand Carved Stuggart Wall Clock 8-Day Full Westminster Chimes - (circa 1980s)
Imperator - Bruxelles - German Wall Clock with Sun Ray Glass- (circa 1920s)
Jerome & Co. Double Dial Perpetual Calendar Clock - (circa 1880s)
New Haven - Solid Mahogany - Square Picture Frame 8-Day Wall Clock - (circa 1930s)
New Haven Clock Company - 30 Day Movement - Hand-Painted Tall Masked Wood War Ships in Battle - Large Banjo Clock - (circa 1930s)
Seth Thomas - Scarce Number 60 Thirty Day Movement in a Custom Made "American Folk Art" Case - (circa early 1900s)
Seth Thomas Clock Company - Round Regulator Wall Clock - Solid Oak Case - (circa 1978)
Westerstrands - Swedish Wall Clock – (ca. 1950s)