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Explore the Fascinating History of Clocks and Watches
CLOCKS: Some of the earliest clocks (water clocks, hourglasses and sundials) have existed within human civilizations for thousands of years. The mechanical clock became a very important necessity during the Industrial Revolution and played a key role in the development of the modern world. Many stories and pictures of various types of clocks are included in this website.
WATCHES: During the 15th century in Europe, watches evolved from portable spring driven clocks. In the 17th century, pocket watches became the first mobile timepiece and remained in common use for over 400 years. During the World War 1 era, the more miniaturized and convenient wristwatch came into fashion and became the timepiece of choice for men and women. Wristwatches have evolved into various shapes and styles, and have incorporated advancing technology to expand their features and capabilities. Many stories and pictures of various types of watches are included in this website.
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